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  • Snatching Defeat From The Jaws of Victory

    Author: Elena Fawkner
    Snatching Defeat From The Jaws of Victory

    © 2002 Elena Fawkner

    You may find the lure of an online business seductive indeed.
    And why not? After all, it holds the promise of true
    independence - time and money freedom - from the comfort
    and sanctuary of your own home. It tantalizes you with the
    promise of unlimited potential, a limitless market. With
    immediate results.

    All of this is achievable. Except the last. There is nothing
    immediate about the results you will achieve when you first
    start an online business.

    It's estimated that well over 98% of internet businesses bite
    the dust after only a few months. How can you make sure
    you're one of the 2% who last through the long haul? It's quite
    simple, really. Just hang on.

    That's assuming, of course, that your online business is
    worth hanging on TO. If all you're doing is reselling someone
    else's products and not contributing anything to the
    Internet community yourself, get ready to join the 98%. But
    if you've identified your niche, if you're making an original
    contribution to that niche and have quality products or
    services to offer that market, you can make it.

    But you have to be prepared to stick it out because no
    matter how great your site, your product, your service,
    your ideas, your abilities, it will not happen overnight.

    THAT'S why 98% of online businesses fail. It's not because
    they were also-rans, it's not because they did nothing but
    sign up for half a dozen affiliate programs and thought they
    were in business, it's not because they were dumb, or slow,
    or technically challenged or faced too much competition.

    It's because they gave up too soon.

    You have to allow for the lag factor. You have to be
    prepared to not only sow your seeds, but to give the seeds
    time to germinate, sprout and, finally, grow. Only then
    can you harvest. In other words, not only must you sow
    before you can reap, you must wait after sowing before you
    can reap.

    It's what you do with that waiting time that's critical to your

    Think of yourself as a farmer. You wouldn't just plant a
    quarter acre of corn and then sit back for the next three
    months (or however long it takes corn to grow) twiddling
    your thumbs, obsessively checking for signs of life every five
    minutes, getting more and more frustrated with every day
    that passes without being able to harvest.

    No. In the meantime, you'd be busy planting strawberries,
    potatoes, carrots and broadbeans. And you'd be busy
    *harvesting* the broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts and
    asparagus that you planted four months before the
    strawberries, potatoes, carrots and broadbeans. While you
    weren't obsessing about how the cauliflower, silverbeet,
    tomatoes and squash you'd planted three months before
    THAT were doing. And keeping an eye on your herb garden
    while you were at it.

    Like working a farm, working an online business is a constant
    exercise in planning, sowing, tending, measuring and reaping.
    And patience. Lots and lots of patience.

    When you "finish" your first website (you'll understand why
    the quotes if you have your own site), you think the hard
    part's over. You think that it's simply a matter of uploading
    your site to your web host's servers, submitting your site to
    the search engines, listing it in directories, negotiating
    reciprocal links with other webmasters, publishing an ezine
    and generating subscribers, placing paid ads (you'll figure
    out what free ads are worth all by yourself), writing
    articles and doing a hundred and one other things to drive
    traffic to your site.

    And you're right. It is that simple.

    But it all takes time.

    You won't upload your site today and have it indexed by
    the search engines tomorrow. You'll send the first issue
    of your ezine to maybe 10 people. Or fewer. Your first
    attempt at ad writing will bring you zero sales. It takes
    you three months for it to actually sink in that you have
    to run your ad for a minimum of seven times before readers
    will act. And that it's seven times to the SAME audience.

    And then, when your site is *finally* indexed by the search
    engines, it doesn't appear in the first three pages of search
    results for your keywords. In fact, it doesn't appear in the
    first *thirty* pages. So you learn about the importance
    of high-profitability keywords and you create new web
    pages just for those keywords. And submit them to the
    search engines. And then wait until they're indexed.
    And then check again.

    In the meantime, four months have passed, you now have
    over five hundred subscribers to your ezine and you're
    starting to see maybe fifty site visitors a day. And not a
    one of them is buying anything.

    You've been working hard, long hours in your business but,
    quite frankly, you consider it a good month if you can (just)
    cover your web hosting fees with what you're bringing in.

    So you start feeling like it's just not worth the time and the
    effort and the sacrifice. You're spending at least half your
    waking time on this thing and you're not getting anywhere.

    A few more weeks pass with no results and you start getting
    seriously dejected. You're disillusioned and disappointed.
    You're frustrated and generally P.O.'d that everyone else seems
    to be able to do this but you.

    Your day job, which you detest with a passion, starts to feel
    like not such a bad way to spend 8 hours. Hey, it beats sitting
    before a computer screen day in day out trying to market to
    a bunch of ingrates with nothing to show for it.

    So you petulantly start watching TV in the evenings after work
    instead of tending your garden. You completely miss the tender
    young shoots that suddenly appear in the corn patch. You
    don't see that birds are picking off the strawberries and that
    the carrots and broadbeans need watering. You don't notice
    you have a whole field of potatoes that are ready for harvesting
    or that the soil needs to be turned where the silverbeet was
    planted six months ago.

    Finally, the corn is ready to harvest but half-formed cabbages
    and asparagus are rotting because you didn't notice it was time
    to water and protect them from parasites. Soon the corn will
    join them.

    You don't see any of it because you're busy watching TV. If
    you'd just hung on a little bit longer, you'd be starting to reap
    a healthy crop from your efforts by now. But you didn't hang in
    there. You gave up too soon.

    Don't let this happen to you. Don't let your business die on the
    vine. Continue to feed, water and protect it. Even when you
    don't feel like it. *Especially* when you don't feel like it.
    Success in this business has as much to do with patience and
    perseverence as it does about creativity and talent.

    Success could be just around the next corner. Just wait and
    see what's waiting for you before you flip the switch.


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    Elena Fawkner is editor of A Home-Based Business Online ...
    practical business ideas, opportunities and solutions for the
    work-from-home entrepreneur.
    Also, visit Elena's newest site, Web Work From Home

    About the Author

    Elena Fawkner is editor of A Home-Based Business Online ...
    practical business ideas, opportunities and solutions for the
    work-from-home entrepreneur.
    Also, visit Elena's newest site, Web Work From Home



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