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  • What Does 21st Century Success Look Like?

    Author: Joy Morris
    What Does 21st Century Success Look Like?
    © 2003 Joy Morris

    While we are well into the 21st century too many are still
    thinking about their business as they did in the 1990's.

    The face of business has changed and the Internet is a BIG
    part of that change. Today, anyone with a connection to the
    Internet and the ability to choose an opportunity wisely can
    succeed online.

    Can you see the vision?

    The common thinking about doing business online says "if you
    have a website people will flock to your site and make you
    rich". Right?

    Not exactly.

    The key to success online is to choose the RIGHT opportunity
    for you. If you don't, you could be overlooking thousands of
    unearned dollars. Not what you want, right?

    In an Internet crowded with opportunity, what does a world-
    class opportunity look like?

    Whether one offers products, services, or a mix of the two,
    all world-class 21st Century opportunities have these five
    qualities in common.

    1. World-class opportunities offer products that people WANT
    to buy.

    Notice, I did not say need.

    The fact is; people buy what they want. If you can make them
    want your product, you will succeed.

    When you offer what people want, your customers will return
    to buy from you repeatedly. That creates a foundation you
    can build on.

    2. World-class opportunities offer products that reach a
    wide audience. To succeed in the end your products must have
    broad appeal.

    Take the 'baby boomers' as an example. This group is large,
    in their peak earning years, and very willing to spend.
    Offer what they want and the world is your oyster.

    So, what do they want? Let's think that through.

    This group is aging and will continue to age. They know that
    and don't like it. While the emphasis on youth and anti-
    aging was once radical, the boomers have now made it
    mainstream. We see commercials on television for cosmetic
    surgery! Such a thing was unthinkable only 10 years ago.

    If you choose products that speak to the 'baby boomers' and
    their insatiable appetite for youth, you've picked a winner.

    Another example is people who work at home. The watchword
    for this group is convenience. Convenience sells and will
    continue to sell because this group wants to work on their
    time schedule and from their own home. They want

    3. World-class opportunities are easy to enter and maintain.
    All too often people enter a business and then can't
    maintain their active status.

    Since your goal is long-term success, be careful to choose
    an opportunity that makes it easy to keep on succeeding.
    Avoid those which draw you in and then fail to support you
    or make it almost impossible to continue long enough to have
    a chance to succeed.

    4. The real 21st Century Internet business offers you upward
    opportunity, but doesn't push. If your goals are to throw
    all of your energy into your Internet business, learn
    everything there is to know about the product or service you
    offer and do more volume than anyone else on the world wide
    web, they will support you in that endeavour.

    Hopefully, you will even have the chance to teach others
    your business and share in their earnings as well.

    If that is not your goal, however, a true world-class
    business won't make you feel like an orphan or pressure you
    to do more than you want.

    5. Support is the last quality of true 21st Century success.

    No one wants to be convinced to begin, commit their money
    and their time, and then find that they have no one to go to
    for advice except themselves.

    Having someone to call on, whether by phone or email, who
    has 'been there' and can offer guidance can mean the
    difference between failure and success.

    There is an incredible amount of true opportunity on the
    Internet today. As you search for your perfect business, be
    sure to hold your standards high and never compromise when
    it comes to the quality of the companies with which you
    associate yourself. After all, you are loaning them your
    reputation, and it will be your reputation on the line.

    Finding these five qualities in an Internet opportunity is
    the first step toward achieving 21st Century success!

    About the Author

    Joy Morris has found her 21st Century success at . Combining the elements of
    wildly popular health products, created by health
    professionals, with an unparalleled Loyalty Rewards program,
    it is little wonder that Gold Shield boasts a 90% retention
    rate! Find out why 27 top leaders changed companies on the
    same day at



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